This page is an overview. [**Download it here**]


Starter dataset components and domains

We provide a Starter Dataset generated by Omnidata Pipeline from some existing 3D datasets. It contains more than 14 million images from over 2000 spaces with 21 different mid-level vision cues per image. The dataset covers very diverse scenes (indoors and outdoors) and views (scene- and object-centric).

Sample Data

If you want to download the dataset, check out the download page. But if you want to just look at the data first, we provide a small sample of a single random building in our GSO + Replica dataset split, which is created by scattering Google Scanned Objects around Replica buildings using the Habitat environment. This is only a sample scene (with mostly object-centric views) from over 2000 scenes available in the full dataset.

You can download and untar the sample data with the following command:

tar -xf download

Now the sample dataset is available in the folder omnidata_sample_dataset.

Sample Data (GSO+Replica)
Starter dataset components and domains

Data Statistics

To see how these distributions affect image content, check out our online demo that lets you experiment in the browser.

Below we show some static histograms:

Starter dataset components and domains Taskonomy Replica GSO+Replica HM3D
Field of View Starter dataset components and domains Starter dataset components and domains Starter dataset components and domains Starter dataset components and domains
Camera Pitch Starter dataset components and domains Starter dataset components and domains Starter dataset components and domains Starter dataset components and domains
Camera Roll Starter dataset components and domains Starter dataset components and domains Starter dataset components and domains Starter dataset components and domains
Obliqueness Angle Starter dataset components and domains Starter dataset components and domains Starter dataset components and domains Starter dataset components and domains
Camera Distance Starter dataset components and domains Starter dataset components and domains Starter dataset components and domains Starter dataset components and domains
Views per Point Starter dataset components and domains Starter dataset components and domains Starter dataset components and domains Starter dataset components and domains